Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I just discovered Manga. I didn't know much about its existence till this past summer when my younger sibling picked some up. So, I was at the library this week working on a research paper, and somehow I ended up in the teen section and there was a cart labeled "Mature! Parental Advisory!" Of course I had to check it out =)

They had a variety so I picked out a couple of the most colorful ones. How cool is it to read a book backwards and from right to left? I like it! I needed something light and entertaining between all the heavy reading I've been doing. And the reason they put warning stickers on them is 'cause they do have some graphic pictures. But then, all manga is not easy reading; there's a variety of dark, complex themes they explore. I've got to visit Japan 'cause they have the most original stuff and there's a lot to see. I'm not giving up my attempt on leading a simpler lifestyle yet so I won't be buying all that stuff for myself--so family and close friends you're in luck! One of my classmates went to a karate competition in Tokyo recently and her descriptions of this crowded city are fascinating. I've got to experience it for myself.


Girl next door said...

Japanese is rather complex, much respect to you. Just looking at the writing is scary for me. All I can say is 'thank you.'

Thanks for the heads up, I'll check out the site.

egm said...

Thanks for the link. I have to check that out.

Anonymous said...

Manga rocks!The range and titles are so wide there is something for everyone.

Girl next door said...

I can hardly wait to sample more of it. Do you have any favorites?