Monday, November 06, 2006

2nd Place is First Loser

I survived the weekend.
It went quite well actually. Managed to memorize my speeches and pull off the performances smoothly. In fact, I got some trophies ranging from 3rd place to 1st. Thanks to my speech coaches who gave me practical critiques. But I think they were kinda surprised too. Got to call my parents and share the news. The 1st place one was such a surprise because I wasn't as confident about that piece. But I knew the piece so well, I could probably recite it in my sleep. It was fun watching other people's performances; there's so much talent out there. One of my favorite performers is a girl from my school who did a piece about how celebrities get away with everything. Stars featured included Michael Jackson, OJ, and Mel Gibson. It was hilarious! It gets quite competitive especially for those who've been doing it for a long time. Somebody gave a speech about the disappointment of getting a silver medal at the Olympics and the idea that 2nd place is first loser. Most of us aim for the top: to be the best at whatever we do. There's internal and external pressure that propels us forward. Reality is, not everyone can win first place. The only exception is parents, who were always number 1 in school=) Anybody who shows up and gives a try should be applauded. Just like this quote from T. Roosevelt:

"The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly ....and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat.”

So you're not a loser unless you don't even try. I've learned so much and know the public speaking skills will come in handy. The school we went to was huge! Guess the students must drive from class to class. That would drive me crazy 'cause I like to walk. Some campuses have shuttles that take people around. We got to stay at the local Hilton, and the beds were so comfortable that I slept as soon as my head touched the pillow. So cliche, but true. Got back very late last night and I couln't make it to my classes this morning. (Note to self and others: never sign up for an 8am class on Monday morning if you can avoid it!) It's weird that I can wake up early for work or classes on other days, but most Mondays I run late. Now, it's to catch up on some studying.


Anonymous said...

Congrats girl, big things!!

egm said...

Congrats! The weekend turned out much better than you had anticipated in your previous post. Way to go! So, when are you going to grace the airwaves as lead anchor ala Zain Verjee? :)

Quintessence said...

GOOOOO U...knew you'd represent...will u share your recital with us, maybe?!

Unknown said...

Congrats Girl. You know you truly deserve it. Second Place isnt first loser - its a sign that you can achieve anything once you set your mind to it and topple those ahead of you. LOL

Girl next door said...

@ Makanga,

@ Egm,
Asante! If I ever get the chance to anchor a show, I'll let you know.

@ Quintessence,
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Well, if there's ever an event and I'm called on to give a speech, I have a couple memorized=)

@ Calabar gal,
Thanks. Everyone from 2nd place down deserves applause for taking part.

modoathii said...

great quote. great achievement. and share the great recital with us. tafadhali.

Nakeel said...

Congrats gal and Thanks for the quote powerful. Share more please.

Girl in the Meadow said...


You know i love the song;

Two is not a winner; Three Nobody remembers

But yet it doesn't say two is a loser.

Girl next door said...

When an occasion comes up, I will =)

Thanks. I'm really into quotes. I'll keep sharing them.

Asante! Who sang that song?