Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The End

I saw my grade for the summer class that just ended and I'm happy =)

The turmoil and unrest in the world has a ripple effect. On Friday, I witnessed a demonstration by a group of Arabs/Muslim/Palestinians who were protesting against the Israeli attack on Lebanon. The group of men, women, and children marched down a major downtown street, chanting for their cause with police cars and motorcycles escorting them. When you can put a face to the struggle, you realize how harsh and brutal life--and death--are. Most days when I'm heading to work or somewhere else, I tune in to NPR news. It helps me stop brooding over the details of my pathetic life when I realize that on the other side of the world, innocent people are dodging bullets, bombs and fighting for their lives.

I'm not very religious (but rather spiritual) , although I have spent most of my life in religious communities and schools studying religion and theology. The book of Matthew chapter 24 talks about the signs of the end, which include natural disasters, wars, and conflicts. My view is the world should just end already! How many centuries ago was the end predicted? Even the new millenium was supposed to bring some huge dramatic event. I think in 1000 years, they'll still be predicting the end of the world. I don't really care anyway coz I won't be around.


Anonymous said...

The end of the world as we know it is no empty Christian myth. It is a reality that is unfolding right before us in these interesting days at this moment in Church and world history. Love the Lord your God will all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. I can think of no better way to be ready for that time when all known and unknown history shall culminate before the throne of the Most High Living God.

walk said...
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walk said...

Its been a while since i visted your blog nice t o see you are still going strong .its funny what you said about 1000 years people will still be saying the world is ending but remember Jesus will come back like a thief when people leaste expect.when they are thinking in another 1000 years people will be saying the same thing

Girl next door said...

@ Kenyan analyst,
I agree that the end is not a myth, however the when and how questions are constantly debated.
@ Joseph walking,
I'm still here! Hope to keep my blog going as long as I can. About the end, is it contradictory that Jesus comes when people least expect it but at the same time there are signs of the end? Or perhaps, only a few know and recognize the signs....

walk said...

remember noah i think he preached for over 100 years that the end was comming people said the same thing people say when is it comming !

Girl next door said...

@ Joseph walking,
I think a lot of things make sense in retrospect, but just imagine you or I were living in those days then a guy comes and says a huge flood is coming--it just sounded ridiculous. Chances are we wouldn't have believed him.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope when it ends, you'll be ready and sure you know where you'll spend eternity, like you know, forever and ever...;)Nicole Noderman sings, "..what if your wrong, what if its true...?" That I guess is an answer to your comment about Noah. I think wen it comes to such issue, its always safe to err on the side of caution, what do you have to loose anyway?

Girl next door said...

@ Zorret,
you've raised a good question which is in line with Pascal's wager. However, shouldn't our motive for spending eternity in heaven be more about genuine love for Jesus and less about just trying to avoid total destruction? I don't think fear is a good motivator (esp. long-term), it forces certain actions although it can't change inner beliefs.