Monday, June 05, 2006

6 Facts About...


I've been tagged by The Outlaw Torn.

The rules:-
- Post six weird facts/habits about yourself. These cannot be used against you later on : )
- At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
- Leave them a comment to let them know they've been tagged and to read your blog.

6 Weird Facts about myself:

1. I'm obsessed with cleaning my ears: I always keep a stock of q-tips handy. It's part of my morning and bedtime routine. I even do it in the middle of the day. It all started after this guy slobbered all over my ear one evening....

2. I used to love eating plain lettuce in high school. I relished fresh, crunchy iceberg lettuce with nothing on it: no dressing or vinegar. My buddies used to dis me about it. I even had an embarassing photo published of me devouring a head of lettuce; now I think it's funny. I don't do it anymore though.

3. A lot of people confide their secrets to me. I guess they find it easy to talk to me. I've heard all kinds of confessions so few things shock me anymore. I'm not telling anything! On the other hand, I have a hard time confiding in people.

4. My ideal body is that of Serena or Venus Williams. I would love to be an athlete with rippling muscles and incredible strength.

5. Every time I wake up, I have to make my bed. Even though some other things are out of place, a neat bed just makes the room look so much neater. I guess my Mom's admonitions to clean and neaten things rubbed off on me, or was it the years of boarding school routine?

6. If I drink hot coffee or tea from a mug in a restaurant or a stranger's house, I'll usually hold the handle in my left hand (I'm right-handed) because I'm subconsciously thinking of all the people who've sipped from that same cup and their germs.

I'm tagging Acolyte who always has something interesting to say, Future Diplomat--hope this will be a cheerful distraction, La Belle Kenyanne please share, Nakeel I'd like to get a closer glimpse of you, Omar I bet you'll be very unique, and Sayesha who has lots of fascinating ideas.


Girl in the Meadow said...

Is that the end of the tag?

The only thing i share in common is people telling secrets. Mine is a can of worms i tell you.

I hate making my bed wacha tu i confess.

Nakeel said...

aiiigh now this gal has done it to me.. hihihi ok sweetie u going to get the closer glimpse very soon.


Trybless said...

thanks for the tag, although could not really get everything out

Darius said...

I have that same ear thing, only it was a dog that set me off...

Anonymous said...

I also have the ear cleaning bug.It can get ugly when I am bila q-tips!
Fresh vegetables rock!
I am sure your ears get tired.
Have you been going to the gym?
As for beds, I only make mine when the neatness bug strikes.

Girl next door said...

@ Shiroh,
Maybe I'll write more weird facts another day coz I have more! Funny how people choose to share secrets with us.
@ Nakeel,
I'll be checking your blog soon to read about you!
@ Future Diplomat,
It's alright.
@ Darius,
Dogs are adorable, but having one slobber all over you isn't.
@ Acolyte,
We both have really clean ears! Mine aren't tired yet. I should be eating more vegez coz I like them too. I haven't been to the gym in ages. My lifestyle is very active though. I could do with some weight and strength training for sure.

Anonymous said...

I clean my ears twice a day - and get really bummed out when I go on holiday and forget to take my 'q-tips' with me

Fresh vegetables rock - period!

I know enough secrets about my friends/family to live rich from extortion/blackmail for the rest of my normal life - like you I am one of those people that the general populance tends to trust

First thing I do when I wake up, make my bed - although that tends to slip over the weekend, but I will never ever get into a bed without making it up first, or sleep in 'scrunched sheets' - oh the nightmare!!!

Oh NO! - I have always thought about how many people have used the fork, mug, glass et al before using it myself in a restaurant - how weird. Oh and as a leftie, where does that leave me??

I realise I am weird beyond measure - I just answered YES to 5/6 of you and TFD weird lists -

I need to lie down now :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

I just remembered where the cleaning ears came from:
I once looked at a Primary School teacher's ears, when aged around 7 and there was all sorts of stuff stuck in there - and I couldnt beleive it (remember how scared we were of teachers?)
to this day, I envision people seeing the same stuff in my ears, hence the daily 'cleaning'

I still need to lie down

Girl next door said...

@ Guessaurus,
Yay, more clean ears! A lot of gunk can build up in there and it's so disgusting if it's not cleaned well. I do remember how scary teachers were: the threat of being caned kept us on toes. It's cool to have people confide secrets in you--it's given me a real look into people's lives and their motivations, not to mention the scandal and intrigue of real-life drama. I'm glad to know I'm not the only weird person!

Barsawad said...

Unique! I hope that is on the positive side!

Having read much in your blog - you too are one of a kind! In a positive way! You seem to have your own agenda in life and are too independent; at times - arrogant! Am I wrong?
