Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thirsty or hungry? Take a break!

I started out the morning feeling really thirsty, I gulped a bottle of water before leaving for work. No breakfast. Not unusual when I have to get up early--I'm just not hungry early in the day. I like to eat leisurely meals when I have enough time to savor the flavors in every bite. So I get to work and, an hour later, develop a pounding headache. It was kind of weird. I don't usually get headaches, unless I've been crying really hard. Tylenol usually does the trick so that's what I took. Then I downed a cup of coffee. Time crawled by, like a senior citizen driving in front of you on the narrow, windy road down the mountain. I seized the chance to take an early lunch thinking some Sobe Lizard Fuel and a croissant sandwich would perk me up.

When I got back to work, I was feeling funny: slightly lightheaded, and weak. I felt like my blood sugar was running low, I knew I was dehydrated, and I didn't want to pass out. I told one of my workmates who gave me a glucose tablet to chew and checked my blood sugar. It was within the normal range but I wasn't feeling great. While I sat and sipped my drink, my workmate was asking me some questions like whether I ate breakfast or lunch. When I thought about it, I realized it wasn't much. She told me, "You need to take care of yourself and eat something every morning." In my mind, I'm thinking, "I know that!" But guess what, knowing is one thing, action is another.

Especially for those of us who are young and healthy. We push ourselves knowing our bodies can take almost anything. Sleep deprivation, unbalanced meals, loads of caffeine, processed sugar, large amounts of alcohol are part of our lives--for some more than others. We know we should drink more water, and eat fruits and vegez daily. Once in a while we get a reality check. All the plans we make for tomorrow, next month, and next year are based on our health. Anyway, I started feeling better. And I got to leave work early coz it was a slow day. God bless my workmate who drove me right to my doorstep! I got home and changed into comfy clothes, shortly I was enjoying a delicious hot meal of pilau, Napa cabbage, and bean soup. Now I feel fabulous! Just takin' it easy and having an early night.


Nakeel said...

Oh gal can I say am just like u waking up and taking a glass of water and assuming things will be alright no eating much..
What a lovely supper u had there yummy..
Glad u managed to pull the day through and learnt something..

Girl next door said...

@ Nakeel,
it's hard to change a habit but I'm gonna try! I penda getting home to a delicious supper at the end of a long day, isn't that the best?

Barsawad said...

Beautifully written! Yes: break-fast is the most important meal of all; try cereals - they are much easier to take. Plenty of water and fluids through the day, is great!

How I now wish I was thirty years younger and could take care of my health! My teeth! My eyes! My whole body! Which I now DO take care of much, much better of! After almost a half a century gone!


Girl next door said...

I'll try that.

Girl next door said...

@ Omar,
a lot of us young people just don't think that far ahead, I'll be taking better care of myself from now on.

Anonymous said...

So I'm not alone - a glass of water or orange juice is my breakfast, till like 12pm when i have a paltry lunch - but I try to eat home cooked balanced meals for dinner (that is when I dont miss it altogether)

I agree with you though, we all know better but take it like it doesnt really matter for now - huh huh, reality check right there.

Your work mate gave you a glucose tablet and checked your blood sugar? Wow, what a great colleague. For someone averse to all forms of medication, I wouldnt know where to look for my blood sugar, leave alone how to take it.

*hangs head in shame*

@Omar - good advice there, thanks

Girl next door said...

@ Guessaurus,
We do have similar habits; if I have a busy day, I rarely stop for a full meal. My workmate was very impressive, she poked my finger to get a drop of blood, put it on a strip and stuck it in the glucometer (device for checking sugars). It's wonderful to have a capable person around!

Gabriel Frost said...

This was a llovely blog post