Thursday, March 16, 2006

I like...

KBW bloggers get a mention in the Tuesday's Daily Nation. Props to all of you! It's great to know that people are making an impact. My last post was rather lengthy, but it felt good to get it all out. Today was a better day; the philosophy exam wasn't that bad, but I should wait to see my grade before I talk.

Now, here are a few things I like:
-> Waking up to the smell of freshly-brewed coffee and some yummy baked goods. (I baked another cake last night after the first one burned.)
-> A full-body massage. I used to think it was just a ploy to get women to waste time in a spa but it makes you feel great! I highly recommend it to everyone. Haven't had one in a while.
->All kinds of books. My dream home has a huge library!
->My big comfortable bed.
->Taking a walk on a sunny day, feeling a light breeze against my skin.
->Comfortable shoes. I don't do the stiletto thing--I lack balance!

Things I detest:
->Automated voice mail systems with 20 numbers to push before you speak to a live human being. I've heard that if you cuss then you'll get connected to a person faster, don't know if that's true.
->Long, boring voice mail on my cellphone (unless it's from immeadiate family members and close friends). I prefer texts and e-mails. I've been guilty of leaving long messages but they're rarely boring.
->Boring forwards that have made rounds on the web, e.g. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune, type your name if you believe in God, share with 10 friends for good luck. Especially from people I haven't seen in years, if you're too lazy to construct 2 simple sentences to ask how I'm doing or update me on any interesting things you've done lately then I don't want to hear from you. And the junk mail for penis enlargement or herbal solutions for an erection--I'm not interested!
->Infomercials with miscellaneous products you never heard about. They are so boring! How deep can a mixer, a thermos, set of knives, or vacuum cleaner be? And who actually watches these things in the middle of the night?--maybe people who stay up late like me? Hmm...maybe they're supposed to put you to sleep!


Milonare said...

Full body massage plus benefits is definitely top of my list LOLOLOL

Worse than automated voice prompts are the guys who answer, listen to your storo, then refer you to someone else who keeps doing the same!!! Arrrgghhhh!!!! Those sheytaniz (Kipepeo 2005)

Girl next door said...

it drives me crazy to go in circles with people referring you back and forth. It is so frustrating to repeat your questions to 3 different people (or automated voices) in 15minutes!

CiikuMrsBabes said...

You know, I keep telling people not to leave me voice mail but to text me instead and they dont listen.

After a week of snobbing to listen to my voice mail... I did and one of my friends had been in an accident.. LOL... I shouldnt laugh and it wasnt serious but I had told her....

Girl next door said...

Movie buff,
what a relief that the accident wasn't serious. Texts msgs can be read much faster and there's no playing phone tag if the person isn't available right then. That, I like=)