Friday, December 01, 2006

Breathy issues

A couple days ago, I was sitting next to a man who was reeking of onions. I glanced at sideways and saw a takeout container on his lap. An image flashed into my mind immediately: a chicken dish I had at a Turkish restaurant that should be translated into 'raw onions with chicken.' It tasted pretty good but I couldn't eat all those onions. Now, I do love the flavor of onions. They're such a basic in Kenyan cooking and other dishes from all over the world. What I have a problem with is the breath or scent they leave behind especially when consumed raw.

It's said that drinking coffee will take away onion & garlic breath but that leaves you with another problem: coffee breath. That can be dealt with by sucking on a mint or chewing gum. But anybody who has recurrent bad breath should probably get a dental check-up 'cause that's a sign of gum disease. Not funny at all. Don't know where I heard this, but going to the dentist is one of the most common fears (along with public speaking). Furthermore, basic medical insurance doesn't even cover seeing a dentist, you have to get an additional policy for that. Anyhow, once you get there, the sound of those drills headed toward your mouth is sure to put you on edge, in addition to the pain and sensitivity you may already be feeling. It takes a special team (dentist & hygienist) to make you feel at ease while they perform their skills. Which is why I'm feeling sad that my dentist is retiring. He's such an easygoing man. All the best to him as he goes on to the next stage of life.

Seems like many people are on the move. A close friend/brother figure and his girlfriend are going to Brazil (her home) for a few months. When he told me, I was thinking "I wanna go too!" And I plan to in the next few years. Sometimes, I get this feeling of being left behind. I've lived with people from different parts of the world, so many go back to their homes. I'm already making plans for all the places I want to go at the end of the month, next summer, in a couple of years, and even in 5-6 years. The world is open (visas are a whole other issue).


egm said...

Onions are good for cooking with, but never raw. My burgers are always onion free (along with medium and extra tomatoes and cheddar cheese).

Ah, dentist tales. I need to recount some of my dentist stories. A very good dentist I used to go to back home passed away from cancer. She was the best.

Just this evening some friends of mine and I were discussing visiting Brazil. One of the guys has been there before, and he said that is a place one has to go see at least once. When you are going, let a brother know we do a collabo-tour!

Have a great weekend.

Juju said...

love onions!! and coffee!! damn, does that mean I have bad breath? (eeeewwww)

travelling is one of my a kid, I went all over Kenya and Europe some. then I came to the states, and have been to a good number of states and Europe some. More travelling!!!

Girl next door said...

I'm all for onionless burgers, but sometimes I put in a few thin slices.
Dentists know us rather intimately, so losing them is hard. Losing one to cancer is doubly hard.

Yay, a Brazil fan! I'll keep you in the loop on travelling there.

Enjoy your weekend too!

I drink lots of coffee myself. As long as there's water to sip and mints/gum, it's alright!

Travel is such an adventure. You must have had lots of fun experiences.

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared of the dentist, they are very good people...talking from experience. I have the best dentist.

Aaah travelling...good to know that there are many of us who love doing this. I am actually preparing for a trip to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Haven't been to Brazil yet and it is on my list.

Acolyte said...

At least ya'll are making plans to go around.there is still so much in this state that i am yet to see! Anyhow bad breath is a killer! I have to blog bout some of the horrors I have experienced..

Girl next door said...

A skilled dentist who makes you feel comfortable is priceless.

Malaysia has been on the news for the harsh punishments they impose on anybody caught with drugs. There's so much more I don't know about it. I've heard a few things about countries in South-East Asia: from the great food to cultural things (e.g. you shouldn't touch anyone's head in Thailand) ; enjoy your trip!

Brazil is a must-see!

There's always something new to see even close to home. Do share your bad breath experiences!