Monday, December 04, 2006

4 Random Things

Random celeb trivia:
George Clooney is People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. (And his pet pig just died.)

How will this information help me as I struggle to finish my papers, and study for upcoming finals? Ah, you'd be surprised. There's no direct benefit to knowing the information above as I'm not taking a class on pop culture or hollywood, but there are indirect benefits. Do you ever notice how you can't stop smiling when you're around a paramour, when you spot a sexy stranger, or an adorable child? Some people just have that effect. They're a pleasant distraction from the daily hassles and routines. Living with a pig would be distracting too, ama?

Random thought:
When I'm in a public place, say standing in line at the bank, I look at the interesting people around and wonder about some of their lives. And I think about the movies when something dramatic happens. Once in a while I spot someone who looks like they're going to lose it. The other day, the line was going slow and this man near the front banged his hand on one of the pillars in frustration and yelled about having to wait. And where else would you experience either extreme elation or depression if not the bank? In fact, I think it would be a great idea to have an onsite psychologist there. Why not?

Random rant:
What is it with people listening to music on their headphones that is so loud everyone within 6ft or more can hear it? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of having head/earphones? Plus, forcing everyone to listen to your choice of music can sometimes be cruel.

Random rave:
I like carrying my notebook around and jotting any ideas, thoughts, and feelings I have. I like drinking good coffee. I like to the freedom to just be, think, and express myself and connecting with people who either get me or just accept me as I am.


Half 'n' half said...

Nice random thoughts.
Apparently now George Clooney can marry couz he had said he would never marry unless the pig dies! Ehhhmmm how far is hollywood from sudan?

Banks are the most anger inducing institutions in the entire universe

egm said...

That music rant is mine as well. Big time. This one time I was on the train and this mama gets on with an ipod that she subsequently set up to play some serious Bollywood style tunes. In and of itself, the music wasn't bad. It is just that at that point I did not want to have to listen to it. Let alone the fact that they are annoying others, don't they realise that is damaging their ears, playing it that loud?

Observing people can definitely provide moments of amusement.

3N said...

about the banks, I still don't know what people go to do in banks. Use ATM's, online transactions etc. I cannot stand to wait.
you know other lines I hate, for clubs. those are painful I used to make them in college but not anymore, its just not worth it.

Princess said...

I fail to fathom how he lived with a pig for so long, but different strokes for different folks.

Acolyte said...

@ princess
You would be suprised to find out that pigs are really clean and are said to be as smart as dogs if not smarter!

Girl next door said...

@Half 'n' half,
If George Clooney gets married, that will be the society event of the decade.
Distance between Hollywood and Khartoum is 8519 miles=13710km=7403 nautical miles--just in case you're thinking of sailing=) Info from

Wacha tu, some people start singing along to their tunes in public...they'll be having some serious hearing problems if they keep doing it.

The online thing works really well! A few times I go in to the bank for something specific, and remember why I rarely go. Even lining up to ingia the club is too much.

I wonder if he eats pork or bacon. That would be cruel.

So would you keep one as a pet? Never heard of pigs being smart. Their organs are similar to humans though.

Chatterly said...

LOL...I thought i was the only one who could look at pple and wonder about what they are going thru, what makes them tick, if they are psycho, how they are in bed...yes, odd but very entertaining :-)

Savvy Dreamer said...

George Clooney and Denzel Washington are the one men over 40 that I'd so date and even marry if I had the chance. They are as sexy as they come!!!

Hope you do well on your finals. I just finished my last one and I'm soooooooo happy and I think it'd be nice for you to feel the same.

Girl next door said...

People are the oddest and most entertaining creatures!

Those 2 men will always be sexy even as they age.

Thanks for the warm wishes during my finals. Enjoy your holiday=)

egm said...

GND, on Aco's comment about smart pigs, I once saw this show that had pigs doing tricks just like dogs. It looked really weird, but they rolled, sat, played dead, stood up on their hind feet, etc. It was funny seeing such bulky creatures be as nimble as dogs.

Girl next door said...

It would be funny to see a pig doing those tricks...they have a negative rep. as being dirty animals, but perhaps it depends on the humans that care for them.


I once witnessed an Akata (hate using that word. si we find another one) loose it at the pharmacy. She had called in her prescriptions the previous day and they were not ready. Balaa! She promised not to pay, they called the cops, the cops came, she explained she would not pay, even if the whole force came. The cop finally pulled the manager aside and told him to give her the drugs. For free. He even added a loose "if you promise to have them ready, have them ready". She got her drugs and then left them with a new prescription.

Girl next door said...

@Proud Nyeuthi,
I propose a return to the term 'black american' which can be abbreviated as ba--it's self-descriptive and nonoffensive.

What a story:Ati she got the drugs for free!How? She must have gotten prompt service the next time.

egm said...

In reading PN's comment on the term Akata, I am reminded of this Indian guy who said the term Chute we use to refer to them is very derogatory. He told me the meaning, and I saw instantly the error of my ways. So nowadays I just call them Indians.

Girl next door said...

I wonder who comes up with these terms. But every tribe/ethnicity has a term to describe other people. In my mothertongue, we have 2 terms for a neighboring tribe: the insulting term and the general one. I wonder what Indians call us behind closed doors.