Sunday, July 23, 2006

Cleaning Out My Closet

This evening, I saw a couple of great examples of 'What Not To Wear":
1) Sandak--do they even make these anymore? Or rather, do any grown people wear them? (I remember having a pair of light blue ones in nursery school) Well, I discovered today...even here in the US of A, they just give them a different name--jelly sandals.
2)Layering a pair of shorts over a pair of trousers. Do not do this! It will make you look like a bum.

Other things not to wear:
3) Pants that give you a constant wedgie.
4) KBS aka 'kiatu bila socks'--the exception is when wearing sandals or certain kinds of loafers.

Anyhow, enough of critiquing other people's clothes--I recently took a closer look at my own wardrobe too. Took some things to Goodwill, a few were handed down, others were trashed. After watching the Oprah show about women wearing wrong bra sizes, I was inspired to throw out some of mine.Then you know what happened next...a trip to Victoria's Secret! I think we all hold onto clothes for sentimental reasons, even if we don't wear them. I confess to holding onto an ex-boyfriend's 'Superman' t-shirt for ages. But, on a cleaning binge realized the stuff at the back of the closet had to go. Such is life.


POTASH said...

are you saying your bras were the wrong size... tut tut!
Funny thing I ask women their bra sizes and they take offence. but now I have discovered that most do not know it.

Anonymous said...

@ potash
75% of women wear the wrong bra size and as I discovered first hand are too hard headed to go for a fitting!
Good for me that I havent broken any of your fashion rules!I do agree on holding onto clothes for sentiment.I have some tees that I have had for 6 years because of the memories.

Girl next door said...

@ Potash,
l discovered I had (blush) over-estimated my size. oh well, I'm happy though, I just didn't know the number. Most of us just estimate the size, or try many till we find what fits.
@ Acolyte,
Glad to know you're not guilty of those fashion crimes. I'm not the most fashionable person, but there are some basics I believe in.

Chatterly said...

Socks with sandals is one thing i have never done, will never matter how *in* it becomes!!

And my bras are just the right size :-)with cup sizes changing...hmmm

Girl next door said...

@ Chatterly,
That socks with sandals look is just off. Well-fitting bras are a must! most don't realize cup sizes change.