Saturday, February 25, 2006

Icy Texan roads and the best places

I was in Texas recently visiting my sis and cousin who go to school there. First of all, I am so grateful to make it back safely; I believe that God is watching out for our well-being. (But does it mean that if something bad happens to you that God isn't watching out for you? Does it mean that it's your fault? What if it isn't?) The weather was horrible the weekend I was there: no offense to y'all that live there but I couldn't deal with the huge swings in the daily temp. One day it's in the 70s-80s, then it suddenly drops to 30s-40s. Then again, it is winter so what the hell did I expect? The roads were icy and when we went out on Sato night, we saw at least 10 car accidents if not more. There were cops and firemen on the freeways as well as ambulances. As we were passing, it seemed so unreal...kinda like in the movies when there's some disaster going on and you see all these people who've been hurt. At that point you are praying, "Please God keep us safe." If you've been in an accident before, you start having flashbacks. You start to think, 'what if...?' But then you quickly stop thinking coz you'll get so freaked out. When you finally get to your destination, you sigh with relief. Anyhow, spending time on a college campus took me back into the past. I think when you're an undergrad, it's nice to live on campus so you're close to all your classes. Yes, we all bitch about living in the dorms and eating in the cafeteria. But once you move out on your own you realize how convenient it is. Commuting can be stressful as many of us find out the hard way. Road rage is very real--I switch personalities when I'm behind the wheel (as many of my passengers have witnessed, he he..) It's nice to live where you work or study whenever possible. But it can't always be done so you compromise or maybe you move.
Talking about moving, there's this website so if you live in the U.S. or Canada you can go on it and check out the stats for different cities. You get to pick your preferences (big or small city, crime level, education of the residents, transport, healthcare, arts and cultural activities...) and in the end it shows you your ideal city to live in. I went on it and guess what? In the end the best place for me was the city I already live in! I really love this city and all it has to offer. It's far from perfect, but it's the right place for me now. Every time I come back into town from somewhere else, I get this wonderful feeling; my heart skips a beat. Living in the city is so stimuating; you are surrounded by sights and sounds and there are endless possibilities. I've lived in shagz for most of my life so for all you veteran city dwellers, be patient with me! I'm one of those confused people you would run into on a Nairobi street, clutching my hand bag tightly and scrutinising the signs and people around me with a bewildered expression. I used to live there when I was very young so I remember my primary school, peroz workplace, Kenyatta market, and our estate in South C. Most of the other times I was in Nairobi, I was getting chauffered to specific locations (it's not that glamorous: by school bus, relaz, etc). Of course I've pandad mathreez. Anyhow, I'm hungry right now, I'm about to kula some nyama and vegez so I'm signing off. Then off for some weekend entertainment!


akiey said...

Always wondered about being able to live in the king-size state of Texas....from the many things I've heard about the place I know to Not Mess With Texas,lol!

My ideal city has always been a cross between DC/NYC (career,South Beach Miami(free & open to ideas...reminds me of my home city) & Cleveland (family & peace of mind). Am yet to find a place that offers all that in one, until then I'll keep hitting the road & airports in seach of it.

Milonare said...

Kumbe its here you've been hiding??

Please share some of that nyama and vegez...

Where I am these guys serve leaves and weeds in the name of vegez I tell you!!!

Girl next door said...

Thanks guys for your comments!

akiey: I was checking out your blog, ati you're not gonna blog anymore? just wondering why...

milonare: If you were my neighbor, I'd invite you over for a meal...sometimes when you're really hungry strange foods taste good!