Monday, February 27, 2006

Epiphanies and the Celeb Mentality

Don't you love the feeling when you get an epiphany? It's like a light bulb in your mind lights up. Or like going to bed on a cold, cloudy, rainy night and waking up to a clear blue sky with the sun smiling down at you and the faintest breeze brushing against your skin: you see the world in a different light. It's the "Aha!" moment. This finally happened to me in Philosophy class. I stumbled into the class a couple of weeks late and didn't have my books then. The discussions taking place were above my head--a new experience for me--I understood some of the concepts but it just seemed like we were going around in circles. An argument or theory was presented and then it was critiqued. I had a big question mark in my mind. Then I finally got my books so I could read the assignments. The main text is just kawa. But I'm glad I got the optional book, "What does it all mean?" by Nagel. Very simple straightforward reading on several topics like Justice, Good & Evil, Death, etc. The Justice chapter really got me thinking. I find philosophy fascinating--it's opened up another dimension of the world to me. It makes you examine your beliefs and things we commonly mention like morality, truth, good & evil, even reality.
Talking of reality, I've made an observation of how certain people act when they go out to public functions and it pisses me off! I recently saw this @ the LA Rugby 7s, and also this past weekend. I refer to this attitude as the "Celeb Mentality." Like when you go to a bash, you obviously run into buddies, acquintances, schoolmates, exes, former crushes...whatever. Anyhow, a person spots you in the room and recognizes you but cannot bring themselves to say hello, wave, or even give a smile of recognition. They just look at you and are waiting for you to go up to them and start the whole routine of "what's up, longtime, you look fabulous/shitty, whatever...." It's like they're a celeb and you--the adoring fan. Folks, it won't kill you to say hello first! We may not be best friends but at least you can act civil. Slow down with the attitude and the huge ego! There are some REAL celebz out there whose claim to fame isn't just being some spoilt rich kid being bankrolled by peroz or being whorish. (Sorry Paris Hilton already took that role.) And guys, everytime the word 'ho' is said, don't assume it only refers to women. True that there's a double standard and your boyz may be so impressed with the no. of honeyz you've bedded lately--but word gets around to the rest us so we know who to stay away from. And for the pathetic losers in da club who just grab at women's bodies when they're dancing and do the bumpin' n' grindin' in a weak attempt to do an Usher move--it doesn't work like that. Even if a girl likes you, you need to give it time. (yawn..) Time for bed now.


Acolyte said...

I feel you on the celeb mentality!I do n't tolerate it at all!I mean someone who is no better then you treating you like talking to you is a favour.Nowadays I dont bother if you pretend you dont see me I return the favour.....

Girl next door said...

Yeah, I'm bila time for people who are bila time for me.

Kenyananalyst said...

Hi. I suggest you also get yourself Phillip Yancey's books THE JESUS I NEVER KNEW and WHAT IS SO AMAZING ABOUT GRACE? He borrows heavily from the Russian literature you've mentioned in illustrating his excellent thoughts. And he makes for great reading too in telling the story of his journey in faith as one of America's leading journalists. Zondervan, I think, are the publishers for both. Not sure, though. By the way, South C happens to be my home estate as well (you've mentioned that elsewhere on your blog).