Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dog food, chemistry, and college classes.

There's been this story of a woman from New Zealand donating dog food for starving Kenyan children. What? Is that for real? Apparently it is--what a big insult! And exactly what are our leaders doing about the famine and various disastrous situations facing their constituents? Maybe they've been stashing money away for retirement? Hah, hah, big joke! What retirement? Although it is a known fact that corruption is deeply ingrained in our culture from the highest levels going down, it is somewhat shocking to have firsthand accounts from somebody who was there seeing it all. I applaud the courage it took for this man to speak up. This whole Anglo Leasing scandal has demonstrated the blatant greed and vast amount of money that these people play around with. Of course everyone wants the facts, and people claim they are innocent, but "where there's smoke, there's fire." Enough about politics, it's all depressing...
I had a quiz in Chem class today, I think I did alright. The stuff we're learning is like a review of what I've studied before--it's not like I aced it before but I grasp the basics. It's interesting to observe other students in class. There are always the super-smart over-achiever types that make everyone else feel dumb. There are those in between, doing ok. But I'm still trying to figure out the people who show up to class 15-20 minutes late, then leave early. They barely listen when the teacher is talking, then they keep on asking questions that have already been answered: "What should we study for the quiz?", "which #s do we practice for homework?" Well, just look at the f*cking hand-outs and syllabus! It has been outlined very clearly, and if you bothered to be in class, the teacher went over that info about 10 times! Some people's cell phones are constantly ringing...I didn't come to class to listen to a conversation between Monique and LaShawn--I could give a rat's ass about the nail shop, babies, and random dudes. Forgive me for my lack of patience--it's a good thing I'm not the teacher. I think I've developed new perspective on the importance of studies. You gotta learn and understand stuff for yourself; some people are just looking for shortcuts--copying people's answers without knowing how..Well, someday when you are on the spot you have to figure out the answers without relying on other people. Obviously people have different talents and understand some things more easily. I will confess that I am really out of my element in the Philosophy class I just signed up for. The teacher seems interesting though--cool sense of humor, very sharp, 30something married man wearing his wedding ring. What is it about some married men that makes them attractive (even when they are not exactly good-looking) ? Probably confidence and some unknown factor. Whatever, I don't really care. I'm really sleepy, time for bed. more next time...


Anonymous said...

nyce read ....

Trybless said...

about the college thingy, aki i used to get so miffed by the attitude of american students in class, yaani they never gave a hoot. and us kenyan students we worked full time yet maintained perfect scores.

Girl next door said...

thanks y'all for reading my blog!