Thursday, April 20, 2006

The world through my eyes

1) "Bye bye birdies!" on the side of a white pick-up truck, advertising services for getting rid of pigeons from your roof. Those birds are scary! Not scared of humans and multiply endlessly.
2) An Asian girl in my neighborhood walking a black and white cat, with a red collar around its neck attached to a brown leash. I did a double take, WTF?
3) A 2007 Toyota Camry commercial with the line, "At what point does a car become part of your family?" NEVER!
4) A mother calmly strolling down the drinks aisle in Safeway, while her 6 or 7 yr-old daughter jogged behind her pushing a huge cart full of groceries, barely avoiding crashing into me. How lazy can you get? You're the grown-up so do the work.
5) A commercial on an eye Lasik procedure that promises to take you "beyond 20/20." If I have to wear glasses, I may do it.
6) An empty case of Heineken in my kitchen, a betrayal of my fave MGD, the morning after a night spent drinking and chatting in my cozy apartment.
7) Horrible, plain brown "old lady" shoes at Shoe Pavilion, comfortable looking but very hard on the eyes. Also saw some stripper-like shoes. Was very relieved to see a stylish pair of black "g" series (by Nike) that were not only cute, but comfortable and walkable--perfect for my lifestyle.


Nakeel said...

See my dust... am first here
The pigieons gal ask my mum and the neighbours boys they had them and they used to come home and pour waste all over.
Why was that gal trying to crash on u surely u should have pulled masikio and told here in Africa we discipline papo kwa hapo.
The Nike shoes u get some for me too the black ones..

Lovely weekend

Girl next door said...

@ Nakeel,
Even though I like animals, I could shoot a pigeon. There are times I feel like yelling at or shaking badly-behaved kids, peroz should do their job!

@ Labelle,
Rare indeed. Guys always have comfortable shoes.

Anonymous said...

Interesting observations!I have gone against the Kenyan grain and I no longer drink heiniken or corona!I have discovered new beers!I once saw a mama in those stripper type shoes in uni, I almost found myself reaching for singles in my wallet!

Acolyte said...

Since you have disabled comments for your latest post I will comment here!
First it does suck when someone spits near you!So close that you have to do a hop,skip and a jump to avoid the gunk!Ugh!Worse is when it is someone who is well dressed that you think should have the manners not to do so!I think in Kenya it is actually against the law but since even the cops do it..
As for examining ourselves we all pass through that stage.In fact if you dont then there is indeed a problem.Just dont set goals that are far beyond what you can achieve because other people did it.Support is a good thing esp from family.Most but not all Kenyans have close family ties.Mine are with my immediate family, I get to see my sister once a week the rest once a month when I go to ATL and talk to my mum on the phone once in a while.Americans on the other hand take estrangement to new levels!When they kosana they cut ties kabisa!!!

Girl next door said...

@ Acolyte,
thanx for your comment. I'm working on setting goals that I can achieve and very grateful for family support. Cultures are so different, the idea of cutting all ties to one's family is so extreme, but people here just do it.