Sunday, April 23, 2006

Gross habits and where-am-I-heading?

The Acolyte has a couple of funny posts about his pet-peeves and I have to mention one of mine: people spitting on a public sidewalk after noisily clearing their throats. This is straight up disgusting behavior! I used to think it was something that low-class people from shagz did, but I've been proved otherwise. You're walking along calmly, then you hear someone clearing their throat, then splat! on the sidewalk. If you have a throat infection, carry kleenex and throw it in the trash. IF I WERE MAYOR, I WOULD IMPOSE HEAVY FINES ON ANY PERSON SPITTING IN PUBLIC AND REQUIRE COMMUNITY SERVICE.

I've been going through that stage of questioning what I'm doing in life and my goals, a quarter-life crisis of sorts: re-examining beliefs, looking at how the present will relate to the future, focusing on the bigger picture of things when the details are overwhelming, and making plans (A,B, and C...) on how to get there. My goal in life is not just to survive, but to thrive. I've found myself questioning the definition of "success." My sis and I have had numerous discussions on the subject. There's always a set of expectations that we're all trying to live up to. And some of them are self-imposed. So in a way, wouldn't life be easier if you have low expectations so if something fabulous works out then it will be a wonderful surprise? But then, how can you settle if you know there's potential for so much more?

I think it's amazing that when you lose belief in yourself, there are others that still believe in you. Sometimes, you need that reminder from people you love and respect to bring you down to earth, siblings, select relaz, and buddies all help. A call home to The Parents does wonders. It is such a relief to know that I don't have to figure it all out coz they're are way smarter than me! I admire their calm reassurance and confidence. I'm so grateful to have them. I was just chatting with some dude at my workplace and I was talking about my family being in Kenya, just a few of us abroad. Then I asked him about his family. The dude said he's not been in touch with them for years and doesn't know where they are. There was a silent awkward moment. I looked at him thinking, "how? there must be a story there." He didn't volunteer any details so I didn't push. I felt the need to say something:"Friends are like family too when you go through experiences with them." He just nodded, eyes looking glossy. We gotta appreciate our loved ones, by blood and through experience. so here's another, "Thank you, I love y'all!" to mine.

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