Thursday, April 06, 2006

10 Reasons

There will always be issues between men and women. Each side argues that the others have it easier. Mention the word "feminist" in a crowd and a heated discussion will follow. Everyone deals with different challenges. Sometimes, I think about being on the other side.

Here are 10 reasons why I wish I was a man:
1) Periods. At any given time before or during, you deal with bloating, cramps, strange food cravings, and if that doesn't put you in a bad mood--then hormones wreaking havoc in your system will. And any male who smugly asks, "Is it that time of the month?" Don't go there.
2) It's impossible to give birth. Therefore, you won't be subjected to conversations about your "biological clock" and debates on natural vs. C-section.
3) Basic hair maintenance would be a monthly visit to the barber.
4)The only 2 items to splurge on when shopping would be shoes and cologne. The rest are details.
5) You can impress potential partners with only your brains and wit (and #4).
6) Future in-laws could care less if you cook or have child-bearing hips.
7) When it gets too hot, you can just go topless.
8) The restroom line is always shorter.
9)You can pursue almost any career or field (with few exceptions) you're interested in without dealing with a lot of hostility--like people underestimating your intelligence because of your gender. And few people will question whether heavy investment in your education is worth it.
10) If you act like an asshole, people dismiss your behavior saying "he's just a man." Women are given the message to always act 'nice' or else they're labelled as snobs or bitches.


Stunuh Jay said...

Preach on Child!
But also it has been shown that children who are brought up to be cool and rather than nice are more socially balanced the the one's who have been told to be nice and grow up learning to bend over and take it up the rear

Anonymous said...

Ah!For once a post that isnt ripping dudes to shreds!But you know what?I am going to do one on 10 reasons why it rocks being a woman!Nice Weekend!

Milonare said...


Some of us have to visit the barber weekly but its a small price to pay given the above...


Try getting a kick in the nuts and you'll gladly choose woman-hood!!!

Girl next door said...

@ Stunuh Jay,
Balance is everything. People wonder why a 'nice' kid suddenly snaps one day--everyone has a limit.

@ Acolyte,
You know I penda dudes, even when I call them out on their behavior. I'm eagerly waiting for your 10 reasons. Enjoy your wkend too!

@ Milonare,
Going to the barbershop seems like fun. As for that kick in the nuts, I'll take your word for it!

Calvin said...

i beg to differ on #3.. shaving is a pain i tell you!

Spidey/Tato said...

good ones
i visit the barber every 2-3 months so u may have a point there

-rest room line...child u just leave the building and pee free..or maybe thats why its shorter ha ha ha

#4:damnright one black trou one pair of jeans can push u a whole year

Calvin said...

just to clarify, nick is one of those males perpetually stuck in pre-ttenage as far as facial hair goes.. he manages a fungal fuzz on his upper lip every three months or so!

Acolyte said...

@ outlaw torn
about Nick....looooooooool!

POTASH said...

Hehe, enyewe what restroom line while the world is your bathroom...and maneno of hair, some of us haven't developed a working relationship with any barber.

lol @ shy:
Only a hirsute 400 pound man can get away with jogging in thong on the beach.
A woman that looks like that would get sued by other people on the beah for causing them undue distress.

Girl next door said...

@ The Outlaw Torn,
I believe you; if I had to shave everyday I'd be covered in scars. But the clean-shaven look is hot! A neatly trimmed goatee and moustache are cool, but I don't like the Father Abraham beards--too rough and scratchy.

@ Dangerously Shy,
LOL, you are so right! Meanwhile, us females have to undergo a bikini wax if we want to sport skimpy clothing. But these days, there's a boyzillian for the adventurous.

@ Nick,
guys have that advantage of pissing outside after downing those pints. I once went out to a concert where we (honeyz) took over the guys restroom coz our line was too damn long!--security directed the dudes elsewhere. 1 pair of jeans/yr=more beer!

@ Potash,
so do you shave it yourself or get a buddy to do it? It's ironic that a hairy woman can get sued for flashing her natural look on the beach :(

@ Wangu,
You are so right about the legs!

Girl in the Meadow said...


If i was to have a list, i am sure they would go upto 50

I will be back

Girl next door said...

@ Shiroh,
I swear, the things we go through...I'd love to read your list!

Anonymous said...

I don't know - I'd rather have periods once a month than a stiffy at least once a week (i.e. 1 continual stiffy Monday thru Saturday, with a break for church on Sunday).

Girl next door said...

@ Chichi,
I didn't realize a stiffy causes that much grief!