Thursday, March 29, 2007


Just found out I passed a test I took about a month ago. It's a great relief coz now I don't have to take an extra class. You know that feeling of waiting for news? Like when you've just taken a major standardized test that will affect your future or you've just bared your innermost thoughts and feelings to somebody and you're not sure how they'll take it.... I hate not knowing because I tend to overanalyze things. Sometimes, I just block out everything to lessen my anxiety. Right now I'm studying for the GRE. I hear they'll be changing the format by September--the advice is to take it before the new version is out. Anybody out there with any tips on studying or taking it?

This month is practically over, and here's a quick look back at some highlights:
1) I saw Barack Obama! He's been criscrossing the country and visited my city. The crowds were enormous. I wished I was as tall as a basketball player coz there were so many people there. Spent most of the time trying to find a spot with a view of the podium. One thing I avoid is being right in the middle of a big crowd. If the crowd starts to stampede, the worst thing it to get trapped inside. Anyway, I'm positively starstruck and thoroughly impressed. I didn't hear the whole speech, but Obama is very articulate and good-looking.

2)Yeah, I'm a Pisces so I did have a birthday. I honestly didn't care about it or feel a need to celebrate anything: I know I should be grateful for a lot of things but I just wasn't feeling it. I got my wish: a very private celebration with champagne. My dear sibling made it special. I am glad to be older, although I don't look it. Yes, I'm used to the constant carding. But getting hit on by teenage boys who think I'm their agemate can be a bit much. A lot of these kids look and try to act older than their age but the talk gives them away. Anyway, they're usually polite so no harm done. Perhaps I should be a specimen for studying youth, maybe it's in my genes or is it my lifestyle?

3)I've stuck to my decision to eliminate meat and chicken from my diet for the past 6 weeks. Don't know if it will be permanent. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian who eats fish and seafood. It's not an attempt to be pretentious=) I'm not fanatical about food but I'm health conscious. Growing up, we always ate lots of vegez and fruits at home. And drank bitter herbal concotions. And made our own juice with fruits from the garden (no sugar added). Felt sorry for some visitors who came to our house, got served a big glass of juice and had no choice but to be polite and gulp it down. Very few asked for a second glass! This was an inside joke between my siblings and I. Used to hate it myself, but now I actually choose to consume certain things that used to be forced on us. A weird thing happened when I got back from home. I ate chicken and some delicious tender lamb. Then I ate chicken again and it just didn't taste as good and then, "roho ilikataa." So, just decided to be vege (I've done it temporarily in the past but not by choice). Fish has Omega 4s so I'll keep it. Been eating lots of tofu and drinking green tea. I had a strange breakfast the other day: green tea and ice cream. Cutting back on sugar would be healthy but everyone has to indulge in something, ama?

Currently reading: Black Skin White Masks by Frantz Fanon and Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


Unyc said...


U r a health freak! I also take white meat.....sea food is my favourite.
I wld love 2 hv those juices everyday. Pretty health n cleanses the body. Wish i started when i ws like

Girl next door said...

I didn't think of myself as a health freak before, but guess I could be one=)

Seafood is delicious: sushi, calamari, tilapia, yum! I've never eaten some foods like lobster.

Anonymous said...

I was once a vegetarian for nine months, one of the best things I have ever done for my body

Klara said...

Wow! That's wonderful! Wouldnt even try eliminatin that in my diet! would never make it! Congratulations though!
U r so right about Obama! Am one of his great fan!

egm said...

I was once a staunch carnigan (made up word that tries to signify the opposite of vegan). Well, more like a wannabe carnigan, cause it is impossible not to eat something that's from some part of a plant. Just recently though, I have started eating salads more regularly than I used to (which was never). I figured the best way for this was to get a good salad dressing, and once I found one I liked, it made the actual task of eating the salad less painful.

As for Obama, there are very interesting stories that shows you how crazy Africans can get at times where a celebrity figure is involved!

Acolyte said...

Congrats on passing! GRE isnt all that bad, just learn to work fast and get hold of some Kenyan high school math books.
I'm sure the diet shall work wonders for you! Tell me how you feel after a few months of it.

Girl next door said...

wonder what changed your mind? Let's see if I last that long!

Hope I can stick with it...
Obama is a fresh face with fresh ideas and charisma. Very powerful.

"Carnigan" is a new word for me. You're right about meat-eaters eating vegez too. They can be delicious. Being vegan is on the extreme end of things. Went on a trip once with a vegan chic who had to carry her own food and snacks everywhere.

Of course everyone wants to claim Obama by association but he's American.

Thanks for the GRE tips.

Hope the healthy food will lead to more energy!

jm said...

GRE: Use Official Guide. Nyonga those vocabs (flash cards highly recommended + praco with a friend).
Kisha once you are comfortable with your speed, I have a feeling you'll actually enjoy sitting that GRE...

Girl next door said...

Thanx for the tips! I thought my vocab was sawa till I took a practice test; wacha I start walking around with a dictionary!