Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am a Pig! This is my year.

So much has been happening around the world. And even though some of the news is "old" I'm gonna share my 2 cents.

Barrack Obama is making history. No matter what the outcome is. Wish I got a chance to see him in person, but don't have the budget for the exclusive events. The question whether he is "black" enough is so dumb that it doesn't even warrant an answer. Ati some black leaders were offended that he made his candidacy announcement on the same day as the State of the Black Union (never heard of this day till recently). Anyhow, Hillary has compe! If I could vote, it's clear where my vote would go.

Rats are found in a Taco Bell. I'm so glad I haven't eaten there in years! Ati,we used to hear about this place when we were in Kenya from people who'd spent their summers in the States. I used to think it was all that till I saw it for myself. It's on my list of "places to eat when I'm starving in the middle of nowhere." Even then, I'm sure there'd be a McDonald's around the corner.

The Chinese New Year was about 10 days ago. It is the year of the Pig/Boar. We didn't eat pork growing up because of religious taboo and tradition (I'd sneakily eat bacon on occasion). So, imagine our reaction on visiting a Chinese friend's house for a celebratory meal and being presented with a cooked pig in the middle of the table. I ate some to be polite. Plus I was curious. It was kinda tasty. I was given some lucky money in an envelope (leisee) by someone last year so I keep that as souvenir. I'm taking a class about Chinese culture and I've been struck by the similarities we have.

It just happens that I was born in the year of the pig some 20+ years ago. I'm reading about the qualities us piggies possess and I've got to admit some ring true, like I know a lot of people but few I'd call friends. Words like 'chivalrous', 'gallant', and 'loyal' make me think of a knight. Maybe I was one in my past life...

"People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively."

---adapted from the Chinese Cultural Center

Any fellow pigs out there?


egm said...

I am a fire breathing dragon.

As for Taco Bell, I've never eaten there. However, for me, McDonald's would rank first on that list of places never to eat at. I DETEST it. I'd rather go hungry for a couple hours more as I look for an alternative than eat there. The one time I broke that rule and got a burger from there, my appetite dropped to negative after the first bite. So now I keep off.

Ati not black enough? Wow. And not hating, but I too had not heard of the black State of the Union. And besides, if he's to become president, will he just be president of the blacks or of all of the US? Some people amuse me to no end!

Quintessence said...

tee hee...a called friend called and told me that I'm a Pig and compartible with Rabbit (which he happens to be)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna look up dragons.

I always hear disgusting things about Taco Bell. McDonald's is another big disappointment. The first time I went there for a big Mac I expected a huge tasy burger like what you see on tv.

Obama appeals to such a large cross-section of the country, so no one race or community can claim to 'own' him.

a fellow Pig, yay! Perhaps you and your Rabbit buddy can make a good match, ama? There may be some truth to Chinese Astrology.

BeautyinBaltimore said...

I didn't hear African-Americans making that statement until white news people started to discuss if Obama is dark enough. This is nothing but a divide and conquer routine.
That thing with Taco bell/KFC has sent my stomach on end. Those rats were running around like they owned the place.