Thursday, October 05, 2006

To be or Not to be Greek

Yes, it is possible to be surrounded by a crowd yet feel utterly alone. It is also possible to look like you fit in, yet feel completely out of place. What the hell am I talking about? Attending an event last week hosted by the Black Sororities and Fraternities at my school.

It all began one afternoon when someone handed me a flyer that stated there was an event scheduled in a couple of days to inform us about Black Greek life at the university. I absently shoved the flyer into my backpack noting the time 6pm and place. When the day came, I was at the library finishing up a paper. I glanced at my watch and thought why not? I decided to make a conscious effort to step out of my comfort zone. Well, I realized that there's a lot I don't know or understand in African American history and culture so I've decided to learn more and get exposed to it. So, this is how the evening went.

5:45pm--I leave the library and stroll to the student center where the event will take place.
5:50pm--I'm sitting outside the meeting hall, there are a few people standing outside.
6:00pm--More people arrive. It's fun to see the clothes, and hairdos. Like a mini-fashion show with some really hot men and fine chics of course.
6:10pm--It's obviously not starting on time, so I decide to check phone messages.
6:20pm--I call a buddy to chat.
6:30pm--The door to the hall is opened and people start to enter. There's a sign that says the event was scheduled for 6:30.
6:35pm--I enter the hall, most of the people are inside. There's a dj spinning music near the stage.
6:37pm--I sit down at the end of a row, so I can make a quick exit. I observe the crowd: young, vibrant intelligent black college students, cracking jokes with friends and dressed to the nines. I must have missed the memo that said to dress up and carry a cute handbag,
6:40pm--There's a tall girl up front who reminds me of a friend. I'm looking around at the different groups and think "This would be so much fun if my old buddies were here." I'm getting that 'new kid at school' feeling 'cause I am. The last 2 schools I attended (1 in Kenya and 1 here) I already knew a bunch of people and had buddies I'd grown up with and a sibling.
6:50pm--A girl with a strong, voice steps up to the podium and directs us to stand up for the Black National Anthem. Her voice blows me away--powerful. I've never heard the song before.
6:55pm--A line-up of the Greeks are on stage and they give us quick blurbs about their group founders, history, and mottos. Everytime a name is mentioned, the members in the crowd give a special yell or cheer. Some people are dressed up in their official colors. The best outfits are red and black. I could see myself in that...
7:10pm--Question and answer session on how to join (there's a 'process', no hazing), what community activities they're involved in, and parties they host,...etc
7:25pm--I leave the building and the event is going strong. Got to be up early the next day.
8:30pm--Home. Hot meal. Comfort.


egm said...

The Greek life. Never got into it. Just had no interest whatsoever. And I agree, you can be in a crowd and yet be totally alone.

Anonymous said...

I considered the Greek life, but it did nothing for me. so I didn't bother. Oh btw: I got booted off KBW so go to my blog and sign up for my feed direct to your inbox!

Princess said...

I cannot stand sororities and fraternities. I did however date a guy who was an Alpha and the first thing I noticed when I hung out with him and his boys was that they all looked alike..I think Alphas recruit all the hottt pretty boys...they seriously looked alike.

am mdkims said...

am also an introvert and always feel lonely in crowds ... what is it that people manage to talk and laugh about? i simply never connect ... am with you in that one

Girl next door said...

@ Egm,
People in Greek societies seem to be in their own little world. Being with a crowd, but not part of it makes one feel left out.

@ Acolyte,
I'm still waiting to find out the benefits of joining. So KBW decided to put you in exile? Did someone get offended by your views or what? I think having controversial views is what makes discussions interesting. Anyhow, I'll still be a regular on your blog.

@ Princess,
Yeah, they're absorbed in themselves but some seem like fun once you get in. There was one frat with very pretty boys, the 'hidden requirements' for joining, I guess.

@ Mdkims,
I make the effort to get out of my comfort zone but unless I'm with certain people I feel out of place. Us Introverts approach the world differently.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on pledging if you do. Be ready to put up with a whole load of ... trials. Knew a delta and an aka. Talked to an omega... just couldn't understand why they agreed to get branded (as in red hot metal on flesh, creating a scar shaped like the greek omega sign). Loved the step shows.

egm said...

Ah, the branding! I did not know that existed for humans until this summer. I met some Omegas who had that on their arms. Why would I subject myself to that? Thanks, but no thanks!

Quintessence said...

almost got into Greel life once upon a time then i rista i thoroughly love the step shows and still attend those but thats the extent of my interaction

Girl next door said...

@ Rista,
did you say branding? Damn, that's more extreme than I thought. If I pledge to any society, the benefits of joining had better be really good. I'd love to learn step.

@ Quintessence,
What changed your mind? Did you have to go through some painful exercises? Greek societies keep a lot of things secret.

Rista said...

GND, slaves used to be branded and the explanation for the Omegas was.... solidarity with slaves?...
The aka and delta are friends and they're just fine. Greek life's supposed to make contacts for life after school. Do some research n see if it's what you want. Good luck.

Girl next door said...

@ Rista,
Having that network of contacts after school is really valuable. Thanks for the the heads up!

Girl next door said...

@ Mike,
I'll check it out.