Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Looking Back

Thursday night was a blast! Made it to all 3 events, and even stopped for a drink at a favorite spot. They served some really good white wine at the gallery (I'm a fan of red) and the exhibit was great. The artist's strength was his charcoal drawings of humans--they were so detailed and life-like. Artists must study human anatomy to be able to capture the human form so well. Didn't Leornado da Vinci himself study cadavers? Well, I got to meet the artist and ask about his inspiration, which is spirituality. The crowd was a mix of business-types getting off work, artists, a backpacker who wandered by, and one punk-rock type chic who stood out from the crowd. It's fun to observe the people. You can usually tell the serious buyers: this time it was an old jungu man pointing at a piece on the wall and asking for a closer look. Afterwards, passed by the fundraiser to see the buddy who invited me. Then proceeded for a drink before hitting the club. It was a memorable night. By the way, why is it that if a chic goes somewhere with a guy, some people just assume you're together?

The weekend was also eventful: it included going clubbing with some workmates (the dj sucked, played music bila formula), a delicious dinner at a popular restaurant, a midnight birthday celebration with champagne and cake (yum), phone call from Dad, working for 12 hrs straight after 2 hours of sleep, and scrambling to type a paper due Monday morning.

There's so much reading to do for classes so I need to work on time management. Will be changing the work schedule. It's hard to readjust to school after being away for a while but I keep reminding myself that I used to be good at it. It seems like the teachers are really into assigning group projects. I have mixed feelings about this. The ethnic studies class has the most interesting material. I'm glad I got in and I look forward to class. The teacher is great (and did I mention good-looking?). He is so passionate and engaging that time flies by.

On the down side, I'm anxiously waiting for a decision from somebody. I'll find out in about 12 hrs. And my piano will be going to a new home. Can't take it when I move, plus I've come to the cruel realization that since I haven't become a concert pianist already, it will never happen. So, a real musician deserves to have it. Funny how you get attached to things. I can't handle a pet 'cause I'd fall apart if he/she died like Acolyte's roommate's dog did last week (See Roadkill...).

Currently listening to: "Sexy Love" by Ne-yo and "Los Angeles" by Sugarcult (free on iTunes) and watching: Korean soaps.


egm said...

It's good you got to enjoy all the events.

As for the piano thing, check out Piano Lessons by Noah Adams.

All the best with your classes and time management efforts!

Anonymous said...

Seems someone had a busy night!
Good to hear that you play the piano, When I get a job and settle down I want to revive my arts skills in addition to going back for martial arts classes.You gotta keep on learning to live!I hope you get a bigger place later on.
I find stato very pet unfriendly, time and space are so hard to come by!

Princess said...

Sounds like you had a well-balanced night. The art gallery event sounds great..it is always great to be able to talk to artists and find out where their inspiration stems from. Too bad about your piano..maybe you should hang onto it for a while.

Girl next door said...

@ Egm,
Thanks for the link! Juggling everything is a challenge but hope to find a balance.

@ Acolyte,
It was busy but fun! I took piano lessons years ago so I only play very simple music. Doing artsy activities is fun and educational. Pets need space to run around and so much commitment.

@ Princess,
I enjoyed the variety 'cause it gets boring doing only one kind of activity. Artists see the world from a different perspective. Sadly, the piano has to go tomorrow.