Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wazee, guitars, & music

I have many things I want to write about, so I will probably go off on different tangents.

First of all, on old people...you tend to picture them as warm, grandparent types. And sure, some of them are. But, there are some MEAN OLD PEOPLE. Come on, I know you've lived through a lot of bullshit, world wars, numerous political and scientific changes...etc. But this does not make one a saint. We are all human, and sometimes we get places because of hard work (ours or other people's), or just luck--whatever. I believe that respect is a 2-way street. This concept applies to all aspects of life.I'm sure everyone would agree!
What is it with Americans and guitars? Is it like a rite of passage to take guitar lessons in this country? Because every other person on the street strums a guitar--true, some are really talented. But how about something different? Maybe a tuba or the saxophone? That would just blow me away...of course, piano playing is impressive--even I attempt to bang out a few tunes. I could never make a living doing it--but it's fun. I can read notes and play simple tunes, but I'm not one of those maestros who can hear something and instantly play it in 5 different keys. I don't even play any Chopin. Anyhow, I appreciate music in various forms.
Well, gotta go now and get ready for work.

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