Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Power and Taking Risks

There's so much happening on the political scene both at home and over here. I've not been keeping up with the news much apart from listening to NPR. The day we have a new constitution in Kenya will be historic. The idea of power sharing is brilliant, making it work will be an ongoing challenge. It's just like relationships, it takes a delicate balance of power to satisfy everyone.

I'm an Obama supporter all the way; I decided to contribute a little something to his campaign. Too bad I can't vote. As for the scandal surrounding Spitzer, what can I say? Obviously embarassing, but he won't be the last one caught in such a compromising position. It's no excuse, but even the name "The Emperor's Club" sounds tempting. One thing I have learned, it's often simpler to tell the truth and apologize. Especially when there's blatant evidence. But if you're trying to get away with something, it's necessary to destroy the evidence. Delete the emails. Destroy the pictures. Pay cash instead of credit. Imagine that your phone is tapped, 'cause it very well may be. Follow these tips at your own risk=)


Nakeel said...

Someone told me read and delete is the best way to stay safe.Good to see you around.

Girl next door said...

Thanks for stopping by! Sometimes it's safer to store information in your mind.

Cante said...

u 've been tagged!

Anonymous said...

Nakeel, Delete delete delete!

Anonymous said...

These days it is so easy to do bad coz apologies are generally accepted. Like this SA big shot called someone a Kaffir recently, apologised later but still drove the point home.

On deleting, it is the best policy, it is the way forward.

KK said...

Thanks for the tips.... I've been wondering how to safely embark on a criminal career. Should I hold you liable if they fail?