Thursday, January 25, 2007

"There and Back"

Guess who's back? (like you really had to...)

The past few weeks I spent at home will always be among the most memorable times of my life. I feel amazing after being immersed in the love, warmth, and comforts of home. Spent quality time with peroz (love you Mom and Dad) and relaz. I experienced so much in Kenya, there's no way I could put it all in words. I will share some observations and incidents that a lot of KBWers can identify with. When I left this place, I felt like an old car that was running on an empty fuel tank. Right now, it's the opposite: I am energized, filled to the brim and overflowing. Let me attempt to get some sleep because of an 8am class in the morning.


egm said...

Welcome back! You've been missed. Now concentrate on that 8am bila kunsinzia :)

Quintessence said...

WUUHUUUU Ur back...glad you got rejuvenated and most importantly spent time with fam!!!

Girl next door said...

Thanks:) I missed blogging and all the interaction. Made it to class on time.

It was the greatest experience!

Acolyte said...

Good to have you back! As soon as you are rested share your adventures with us!

egm said...

That's mzuri. Over with the jetlag? It just struck me now that your title was borrowed from good ol' Bilbo Baggins

Girl next door said...

Thanks. I'll be sharing my adventures with y'all.

I'm still dealing with jetlag. I borrowed the title from somewhere though I'm not sure who Bilbo Baggins is--let me google that.

Princess said...

Glad you got some much required rest and relaxation and go to spend quality time with your parents!!

Girl next door said...

This holiday was exactly what I needed!