Friday, January 26, 2007

Resolutions? Goals? Aspirations?

I've read some blogs where New Year's "resolutions" have been thrown out the window in favor of "goals." And I'm liking it. So, pardon me as I dub your ideas and share a few of the goals I have for this year 2007:

1)Learn how to swim--in the deep end without floaters. It gets a little embarassing hanging out in the shallow end with the toddlers. This is something I should have learned to do when I was a kid. Nobody's self-conscious about their body or hair then. In my younger days, I took a few lessons randomly then finally went to a school where it was an organized activity. It was fun before the older girls would entertain us with stories of people who died in that pool. I was in a vulnerable state of mind and couldn't go back after that. So I dropped out.
**I've already signed up for a swimming class at school. Not sure if I can stick it out. I'll need more than a year to work on this.

2) Successfully complete 2 sems of full-time classes at my school. It's a juggling act but it's got to happen.

3) Spend my summer in a different part of the country and visit at least 2 or 3 new cities on my list.

4) Save X amount by the end of the year. If I'm successful, then I know exactly where to put it.

5) Take the GRE 1 or 2 times, dig up more info on my top ten, and compile grad school requirements. By this time next year, I'd have narrowed the choices down.

P.S. I wrote these down on few weeks ago on old-fashioned pen and paper.


egm said...

Nice goals. I especially like 3. One goal I had when I got here was to see as much of this place as I could while still around, since I know once I head back home, doing so will be next to impossible.

Saving is alwas good. Gets you to financial independence which is the best thing in the world.

All the best with your goals!

Anonymous said...

It is ok to dab good ideas. All the best in your goals!

Girl next door said...

The U.S. is such a huge country, but I think of all the places that are merely a few hours away by plane. It's so much easier to move around when you live here.

Being financially independent would be so empowering. It's hard but I'd rather make sacrifices now.

@Mwariwa David,
Thanks. Hope to achieve most of my goals.

Princess said...

You have a great set of goals there Missy!! I keep telling anyone who will listen how important it is to start saving and investing at young age!! It is the best gift you could give yourself!!

Girl next door said...

Thanks! I've come to realize that it's useful to think long-term; it would be too depressing to be old and broke.

Half 'n' half said...

Great goals.... No 3 sounds like so much fun. Hope you manage to achieve them all.

jm said...

I so feel you on # 5. I have been procrastinating on my GMAT preparation for like 3 months. I have to take it by the end of FEB and any more dithering will land me in a lot of hot soup during that test ... good luck with your preps... and with the rest of your goals ...

Quintessence said...

All the best on your endeavours doll!

Girl next door said...

Travelling will be full of adventures. I'm looking forward to it!

I'm waiting to get a practice test in the mail. Good luck to you too in the GMAT.


Klara said...

Really Nice goals & Am hopin u r still keepin em'