Monday, May 28, 2007

Seven Things

Finally, a belated response to Half'n'half's tag.

The Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.--Robert Burns

1. I like quotes, whether famous or unknown. I also like making lots of plans about every move I make in my life; I carry around a 2yr pocket size calendar where I jot down things I'll be doing tomorrow, next month, even next year and beyond. It helps me organize my life and I'd be totally lost without it. Of course things don't always go as planned--the last week and a half of my life has been like that. But I'm learning to let go of minor details and focus on the overall picture.

2. I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive. Not like Jack Nicholson in "As Good As It Gets." I'll make the bed as soon as I get up, wash my hands frequently, and stack the dishes in the sink neatly if I'm not washing them right away. Just habit.

3. Another compulsion: a hot cup of coffee after I get up. I don't want to have a conversation in the morning till I've at least washed my face, brushed my teeth and drank a hot cup. Major points to anyone who brings a hot mug to me in my room.

4. When I like a song, I play it over and over and over again. Like ten times in a row or something. Then I usually forget about it.

5. My favorite horoscope is Yahoo Astrology. It's fun to read, and some of the personality traits for my sign are so right on.

6. One of my worst fears is to be stuck or trapped anywhere or in anything. I need to move around freely. Yet stability is also very important to me.

7. I'm a very private person so I tend to keep a lot of things to myself. But I reveal a lot of things in a humorous way.


Anonymous said...

You have a very interesting list, seems to me like you are a being of complete and utter order.

egm said...

Just one question: How do you like your coffee? :)

Unknown said...

very interesting list. I totally agree with you on the coffee without it I am a walking corpse. What is the oppostite of obsessive compulsive? cos that is me.

Prettylyf said...

Nice list! I'm with u on #4

jm said...

# 4: That is soo me as well!!

Girl next door said...

I do like order, but I don't always achieve it=) I'm detailed but not anal(I hope!).

In the morning, I like my coffee dark, strong, & sweet. Later, I add half'n'half.

Life without coffee would be deprivation! I'm not sure what the opposite of OCD is.

@Prettylyf & Mwangi,
It's a great feeling when you penda a song so much that you can't get enough of it.

Half 'n' half said...

LOL at EGM! eehhm!

No 3, I sooo feel you, I absolutely cannot functio without a cup of coffee and not that instant crap!

Nice list
No 4: you must like Kisii FM?

egm said...

@HnH you have to take note of the important things for future reference at appropriate moments! :) And I see you are now a kahawa ingredient too! :)

@GND noted in memory database.

Girl next door said...

Thanks for tagging me=)

Quality coffee is a must! I'm not crazy about most radio stations coz they rarely play the songs I like. But when they do, I tune in.

Your attention to detail will take you places =)

Anonymous said...

Very good list. I subsribe to 2, 3, 4. I will play a song so many times if you are in the same space you will crack my head open! For me though i will rediscover it at a later date but will play it with a lot less enthusiasm!