Thursday, April 05, 2007

On Writing

WARNING: Long ramble ahead....

This time tomorrow, I'll be done with a major test and the essay I'm supposed to be working on right now. I've been trying not to be such a procrastinator. Got most of the studying done and even started on the paper but it's still incomplete. I aim for quality work but need motivation for dull topics. I prefer to write about stuff I feel passionate about. Which is one of the reasons I blog. However, I stay away from talking about work and my personal life. Not that I have lots of deep dark secrets, but some things are confidential, irrelevant, or just meant to be memories. This gives me space to express myself. I have lots of opinions on all kinds of things and can ramble on and on. I'm not super-talkative off-line. I usually listen and observe more during daily interactions and it's amazing how much people reveal. In the first half of my life, I used to be really shy. Then I went to boarding school where I had to speak up in order to navigate my way around. Became much more outgoing after high school. I envy some people's ability to put themselves out there so confidently.

That's part of the allure of the web, books, and movies: you peer into people's lives and even share their experiences. They can give you a glimpse of a world you will see. On the other hand the writer could be telling your story. I haven't written any books, but if I did, I wonder whether I'd use a pen name or my real name. It would probably depend on the topic. There's an appeal to being anonymous; you won't feel like you're being personally judged. Yet perhaps your identity adds to your work or is directly relevant e.g an autobiography. And there's that thrill of seeing your name in print! I got an article published once and actually got paid for it. Had to make a copy for my scrapbook coz who knew when it would happen again?

But in this world we live in, expressing personal opinions can be a dangerous thing if it threatens mainstream views: journalists and bloggers have been jailed for this. It happened to an Egyptian blogger. Then there was that infamous Standard Raid. Even in the Land of the Free....there's this guy called Josh Wolf who was just released from prison. Why was he even there in the first place? Because he refused to turn in a video tape of protesters to the police and to testify before a grand jury. The debate on rights goes on.

Some of my heroes are writers.


egm said...

I hear you on the procrastinating on papers. This past week I was talking to a colleague about papers we used to write in school, and how I was the worst at it. I remember starting the final paper of one class I took the night before it was due. How I passed that class, I have yet to find out.

Girl next door said...

Funny how time flies in those last few hours before a paper is due...glad I managed to finish mine.

POTASH said...

Hey girl, did you finish those two excellent books you were reading, exams not withstanding?

I love to throw Fanon around and well I have had the opportunity of hanging out with Chimamanda in person- gorgeous chick I tell you. Half of a Yellow Sun counts among one of the ten books I am currently reading though the harries of everyday living mean that I haven't been able to finish it since I started in January.

Others I have finished or started in that time include: The complete works of Kafka, Down these Mean Streets by Piri Thomas, Man Child in the Promised Land, The Obituary Tango- the Caine Prize anthology from last year e.t.c.

I couldn't get past page ten of Wizard of the Crow and I am hard pressed to find a reader who has.

As for some of your heroes being writers...well, it is official, I cannot stand writers but everyone chooses their heroes and gods so power to you!

egm said...

Potash, any idea on why Wizard of the Crow is such a difficult read? And what is it about writers that gets to you?

Girl next door said...

I'm still reading Fanon. His work is just as relevant today as it was during his time. Malizad Chimamanda's book--excellent! I envy you getting to hang out with her.

You have quite a reading list! I'm gonna look up some of those books. Haven't attempted Wizard of the Crow yet. If I ever get through it I'll let you know=)

I admire writers for their power to express thoughts and emotions in words