Sunday, December 10, 2006

Slow Sunday

I got drunk on cough syrup last night. Apparently teenagers have been using this stuff to get high for years. Well, I really needed it. It knocked me out for hours.

When I woke up this afternoon, it took all the energy I had to shower, dress, and trek to my neighborhood coffee shop in hopes of getting a hit of caffeine and working on my policy paper. Apparently, everyone had the same idea. It was packed with people on their laptops. I got a table and immediately got coffee (free-trade). As I poured the organic half 'n half and stirred in the sugar, I wondered why even food is so political. I'm struggling to get more info for a research paper and regretting the topic I picked because it's my professor's area of expertise. So I'd better get all my facts straight. There were too many people in the coffee shop and I couldn't even find a place to plug in my computer so I left as soon as I ate my sandwich. The coffee was really strong.

You know what really irritates me? It's when people say one thing, and do another; flaking with no apology. If you can't do something, then don't say it! If something comes up last minute, let me know. One of my mottos is I don't make promises I can't keep. I have no patience for cheap empty talk. Don't tell me you want to see me, then when I tell you where I'll be, you don't make an effort to meet me. My time is precious. You know how people say "If you ever need anything, just give me a call" or "I'm willing to help with x". Then when you actually call them and tell them exactly what they can do, they don't come through. That gets to me. Which is why I prefer to do a lot of things on my own. I want absolute control (there, I admitted it). If I'm going to be part of anything, I want a say in what goes on. But I'm not a superhero (despite my best efforts) so I need a helping hand.

Maybe I need anger management. I can handle a lot of major things until one thing comes along and pushes me over the edge.


Anonymous said...

I have been staying off the cough syrup so that i can continue working, i should probably down a couple of teaspoons, might make work pretty interesting, no?

I feel you on the matter of integrity. If you say you are going to do something, do it! Remember that straw that broke the camels back? :-)

egm said...

I was at the shop one time buying cough syrup when the attendant asked me for my ID. That surprised the heck out of me, and she explained that they were now forced to card anyone buying medicines precisely because of what you write about teens drinking it like alcohol. Anything to get a fix!

I keep my pronouncements to myself unless I am actually intending to follow through on something. I have been guilty of saying something that I don't follow through on, and after a few painful lessons, that point has been driven home. So today if I want to do something for someone, I do it instead of just releasing hot useless verbal gas about my intentions to do it.

Quintessence said...

Cough syrup can and does work a number on me and almost always leaves me feeling oh so dilapitated

I feel you on flakers man. Do ppl understand that when you ask them to do you a fave they are at liberty to say 'yes' or 'no.' But seeing as most like to please, they'll say yes and then can't handle thus let you down...

Anonymous said...

I have never done the cough syrup thing, it is for the cough mwisho and nothing else!
As for flakers, I have no time for them at all! Once you flake on me once it is game over! I dont have time for trash like that!

Princess said...

I haven't drank cough syrup since I was a kid so I marvel at the fact that people drink it willingly to get their fix.

I have a very low tolerance for flakers and unreliable people.

3N said...

the thing about flakers is people feel the need to be nice even when they are not.
that is why someone will promise you something knowing very well they do not intend to fulfil.
that is why i do not promise anything to anyone, if I want to do something for a friend, I just do it.

Girl next door said...

Cough syrup does strange things to your brain, if you downed it at work people may wonder what you're would make things interesting for sure!

Integrity--I love that word.

When you're underage, you get rather innovative.

I've been on both sides of this; after being on the receiving end I realized how important it is to follow through.

It did wonders for my cough.

The word "no" is one of the most empowering. People should learn to use it so things are simpler.

I find the stuff more potent than a beer.
Flakers are too much. You give them a chance then they blow it.

People will try anything in pursuit of that high.

Unrealiable people mess you up when you're forced to do group activities--which is what I'm going through right now.

I'm so sick of the whole 'nice' image when there's no substance to back it up. People say what you want to hear, then drop the ball when it's time to step up.

Rant's of an angry somali man said...

cough syrup's don't know when i last drank but i usually let my immune system fight it off coz i believe syrups just give's the placebo effect...........about flaker's how about u give them a taste of their own medicine.

Girl next door said...

@ Angry somali man,
true, when the syrup wears off the cough comes back full force.
As for giving people a taste of their own medicine, I just did it this morning (cue evil laughter).