Thursday, June 29, 2006

More on Me

1. My ex is: a really great guy-- smart, driven, attractive and fun.

2. I am listening to: Stephen Colbert's wisecracks on Comedy Central.

3. Maybe I should: (a) call my parents (b) go to church sometime

4. I love: my parents, siblings, close buddies, books, fast internet connections, comedy,...too many other things to mention.

5. My best friend: is on a different continent.

6. I don't understand: quantum physics, marriage, how rats become pets, and the obsession with celebrity couples.

7. I lose: at most competitive sports.

8. People say: I look really young.

9. The meaning of my screen name is: nada.

10. Love is: complicated and takes time and experiences to grow. The word is way over-used.

11. Somewhere, someone is: getting drunk.

12. I will always: remember my roots and think about the bigger picture.

13. Forever seems: too uncertain and unbearably long.

14. I never want to: die a slow, painful death.

15. My cell phone is: new, I'm still figuring out how it works.

16. When I wake up in the morning: I hit snooze and say "5 more minutes."

17. I get annoyed at: burger king commercials; infomercials; arrogant, rude, & loud people.

18. Parties are: usually fun, depends on the crowd.

19. My dog is: small, white and fluffy...did I mention stuffed?

20. Kisses are the worst when: they're sloppy.

21. Today I did: shopped for groceries, cleaned, cooked, and went to the library.

22. Tonight I will: Read Barrack Obama's book before I sleep.

23. Tomorrow I will: run errands.

24. I really want: a ticket home for Christmas.

25. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?: Face is clean.

26. What's a word that rhymes with "FUCK"?: Truck.

27. Bright or Dark Room?: Dark.

28. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on?: The bigger one.

29. What was the last thing you said to some one? "You want me to close the door?...Goodnight."


Spidey/Tato said...


i hit the snooze button as well tho mine is 10 minutes so i set my alarm like 30 minutes before the required time nad just keep hittin snooze or lettin it ring itself out

LOL at ur dog hahahahaha

CiikuMrsBabes said...

I want a ticket home too....... waaaaaaaaa

Girl next door said...

@ Nick,
guess what, I set my clock and watch 5-10 minutes ahead to get a little more time. I have the perfect dog: no clean-up or vet visits...I'll get a real one someday--can't have pets where I live.
@ Movie Buff,
(sigh) that ticket would mean so much...

Anonymous said...

1.Then why'd you break up?Most ppl usually talk smack about their exes!
3.Shouldn't we all?
5.Me too!
6.Me too!
10.Very true!
11.And it isn't me!
12.I try to do so too!
17.Yup I hate seeing that King with his big ass head too!
18.That's true!
20.That is so true!!!The Derailer at times gives me some sloppy kisses and I have to time it just right so that I can clean my face on my t-shirt.I know it's cruel saliva on my face doesn't feel too nice!
24.Don't we all!
Nice post!

Girl next door said...

@ Acolyte,
thanks for stopping by!
1. We grew up together so we have a bond outside the relationship.( I don't usually believe in the "let's just be friends" routine, but there are exceptions.) Reasons for break-up: distance, different goals, level of commitment...Luckily, I haven't had too many bad experiences, but that story is for another day.
We have a lot in common, that's cool!