Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year, new beginnings

So now the holiday celebrations are dying out...time to sober up and face reality. Usually, I would say to hell with resolutions, but I have to confess that they make sense. It's a chance to have a new beginning--you can distance yourself from the past with time (if you want to). It's about the hopes and dreams we have for our lives. I've finally got a blog of my own! So I can check that off my list. There are a few other things I wanna do this year:

1)Go home to Kenya--I've been away too long. It's the whole thing about time and money--you'll usually have more of one or the other. When going to school, there are summers and holidays off but on a student budget, that ticket may as well cost a million bucks. And then when there's a steady income, there just isn't time to take off coz you've got to put in hours to keep getting those checks. Anyhow, I hate getting that feeling of just floating--like where do I belong? And then you have images of how things were like years ago but I want to see the reality now.

2)Change in work environment and/or hours. Still exploring the options.

3)Get back into school--back to homework, research papers, and spending time around people my age!

4) Gain some weight! oh yeah, you heard that right. I need to eat better and take better care of my body. I went to see a doctor for a check up a month and a half ago and I was shocked when I stood on the scale; I have lost a lot of weight. I have not been this size in years--since high school. I didn't notice at first, people would make comments, then my clothes became loose kind of hanging on me. It's a combination of lifestyle and stress--living the fast life. I know that most people would resolve to do the opposite--and true, that would do some people good. But the bottom line is what's healthy for you? I'm so sick of the obsession to be super skinny--I believe that there are many body types and frames and some people are skinny naturally, others are curvy and big and look fabulous. The fat distribution in your body depends on whether you're male of female, your genes, ...etc

5)Continue to have a sense of fulfillment with my life and goals, keep close to my family and friends and those important to me; nurturing the spiritual side because it matters.

1 comment:

Girl next door said...

I'm reading this entry again for maybe the 10th time.
1) I'm excited that I'm actually going home at the end of this year! I have a ticket!
2) I did change my work hours many months ago, then again more recently and explored new areas.
3)I'm also back in school full-time so I'm on track with my academic plans. It's going to take longer than I thought but I'm glad I got into my 1st choice school.
4) Not much success. My peroz (esp. my Mom) may freak out when they see me. Everyone will be feeding me when I get home. When I said "I live the fast life"(that statement could be misinterpreted) I meant an active life, as in walking a lot, going outdoors, plus some aspects of my job are very physical. I eat a healthy diet but I probably burn everything off. Perhaps I need to start eating lots of fast food. Stress is still high though.
5) I could do more.